Wednesday, 27 October 2021


 Athletics, finale, I'm ready to win. First we had to watch the little kids run. My sister was racing, she got 4th in her sprints so she didn't make it in to the finale. Then it was my turn, first we did the 200m sprints and I got third in heats and just made it in to the finale and got 6th.

Next we had ball throw I got 20m and got 11th I think, yet still  I was preety happy. Then I had long jump i'm excellent at long jump so I got 1st, with my first jump, then someone bet me. So that made 2nd and had 2 more jumps to WIN, Then all of a sudden it all went downhill I fell back and could only make it paste Rori Then ended up with 2nd.

Then we had 100m sprints I felt good about this one, I ended up getting 1st in my heats. Then got 3rd in the finale, I was so proud of myself! High jump was last, I got kicked out on my first go, but I wasnt that disappointed. Over all I was really happy in athletics because in the end I got 3rd and 2nd.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Term 4

 Term 4, I was so excited to see my friends. We had this cool new thing called art study, I was in the group that was doing Pete Cromers art. If you don't no what im talking about he basically put  paper on paper to make art, just search up pete cromer if you don't know what I'm talking about.

We are doing speeches too! I'm not really excited for speeches because I'm not a confident speaker our topic is about going for gold it a thing that our school just achieved there is  bronze then silver then green gold! I'm doing it about why we should not stop at green gold.

Athletes are coming soon too, last year I got 3rd in long jump, for our school. Then we went to Inter schools and I won it! Inter school is all the schools in gisborne I am so existed for this term.