Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Fizzy pop!

Ahhhh new day at school the teacher said are you guys ready for the new science experiment! I was blowed and it was a cool one. It was called sweet n sour, Koka Rozie told us the instructions. I was  excited.  So me and my group went off and we got the recipes, it was a fun.  

Me, Cash and Stormur love doing science experiments. When we finished, Cash had a teaspoon of our sherbet that we made. He said that it tasted like a toffee shock, if you don't know what a toffee shock is read the magic faraway tree it's a cool book.  Then Stormur had some, he said it tasted weird 😐  

After it was my turn I was scared.......I got my spoon out, my hand was shaking.  Then I put it in my mouth so fast, I said it was ok.  It felt like all bubbly and fizzy. 👌 Then Koka Rozie said, "Time to pack up."  "No!" I said. To me it was the most fun experiment ever it was really cool  😎😎.

recipe                               instruction
1/2 flavour                       pour the flavour in the paper bag                                  
1/4 baking soda                then pour the baking soda in to the paper bag too
1/2 citric acid                   after pour the acid in too
icing sugar                       and then the sugar.                     
paper bag

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Cross country 2019!

                  😀 CROSS  COUNTRY😀

At school today we were doing cross country,''Are you guys ready to do the one and only cross country?'   I was excited.  We were going last so we had to wait finally we got there three two one and off we went. I was coming 5th it was tied but I had to keep going and when i did my 1st lap my shoe nearly came of. But it stayed on. but after somebody passed me finally I said to myself.  I tried to catch him but I was getting too tied so I jogged.  I was nearly there, the teacher was saying," Go Cory go cory!'' sheltered Koka Rozie and my family .  So that made me have lots of energy off I went I was like flash and I got up to the person. And boom I went past the finishing line. Even though I didn't get a placing I still was proud of myself

                               THE END