Thursday, 30 July 2020

Week 2!

We do this thing called LTP (learning through play) it is where you choose an activity like Planet construction, Junky Monkey, Makey Makey and Cardboard Nation. I picked Planet construction! We builded with building blocks and i builded a tractor but then i shaped it into a train it was fun building it.But then we had to bust it at the end😭. Anyway for the pack up i throwed it in the box.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Week one new term!

Today was a new term so we got stuck in. We had a new check of and we didn't have just dance this term😭 it is sad because just dance was amazing. Our priorities different we had new quick writes and we a had a difficult as math test could ninjas math it was so hard. my favorite part of going to school was seeing my friends they most had haircuts they look so different.In my workshop i learnt a more easier way to subtracted I wish i did it the new way.